Leaving us?
Request account deletion
No longer want to be on the Shredded platform by Shredded Inc.?
We are sorry you want to leave. Either contact us to explain what you're not happy about, alternatively, your profile and data can be deleted from within the iOS or Android app.
To delete your account, please perform the following steps:
- Open the Shredded app on your Apple or Android device.
- Visit the "Profile" tab.
- Tap the "Settings" icon to access your account settings.
- Navigate to the "Manage account" screen, then to the "Close account" screen.
- You can either deactivate or delete your account using the "Deactivate account" and "Delete account" buttons. Deletion is permanent so please make sure it's what you want.
If you no longer have the app installed, you can still request deletion by contacting us and providing your username, for a Shredded administrator to process your request.
If you proceed with deletion, your user account, including personal and social data such as posts, pictures, videos will be permanently removed from Shredded. Furthermore, your fitness and nutrition data will also be deleted, with the potential exclusion of some publicly shared user generated content, accessible in certain parts of the Shredded platform; in accordance with our Terms & EULA and Privacy policy accepted upon initial account creation.